A Russian pilot defected to Ukraine after the strike on Okhmatdyt — Media reports

Strike on Okhmatdyt — after the attack, a Russian pilot defected to Ukraine.
The aftermath of the attack on Okhmatdyt. Photo: Novyny.LIVE

Following the attack on the children's hospital Okhmatdyt in Kyiv in July, a Russian pilot defected to Ukraine and passed on classified information about his unit. He also handed over important personnel documents, and other valuable data.

This is what  The Telegraph reports.

Russian pilot defected to Ukraine

The report states that after the missile strike on the children's hospital in Kyiv, one of the Russian pilots contacted a Ukrainian chatbot, providing secret information about his unit. The pilot was shocked by the attack on civilians, which prompted him to cooperate with Ukrainian intelligence. He handed over important personnel documents and other valuable data.

Additionally, former advisor to Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense, Serhii Kuzan, revealed details to the media about several Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) operations involving Russian military personnel. Among them was the recruitment of career military officer Danylo Alforov who helped 11 Russian soldiers surrender, and facilitated the destruction of the Russian army officers' headquarter in 2024.

The (GUR) also organized a sabotage operation on the Russian missile ship "Serpukhov" in the Kaliningrad region. The operation was carried out by a Russian sailor who later crossed the border and defected to Ukraine.

The attack on Okhmatdyt — what is known

Let us recall that Russia struck the Okhmatdyt hospital in Kyiv on July 8. Two people were killed at the site of the attack, and 34 were injured, including children. In total, 33 people were killed, and 121 were wounded as a result of the shelling of the capital.

Later, the UN monitoring mission confirmed that the Okhmatdyt hospital was directly hit by a Russian missile. The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) obtained new evidence regarding the strike by the occupiers on the medical facility by an X-101 missile. Specifically, a piece of the engine was found at the impact site.

Germany will allocate 10 million euros for the reconstruction of the Okhmatdyt hospital. The funds will be directed towards restoring the hospital's operations, and preparing it for winter. In turn, Lithuania has also announced the allocation of one million euros for the hospital's restoration, and called on other countries to help.

обстріли війна в Україні Охматдит ГУР